look like little martini glasses how cute
Without exaggeration, the worst nails I’ve ever seen. And that frosty, pink lipstick… barf.
Looking, for a moment, past the duckface (which is horrific, no doubt)… ON WHAT PLANET DO PEOPLE HAVE THEIR NAILS DONE...
please god someone look at her fucking fingernails WHAT THE FUCK!? i mean, the duck face + purple metallic lipstick is...
what in god’s name are those things on her fingers? nails? oh sweet baby jesus.
who the fuck did her nails? why are they triangles ?!?
Some women are truly a disgrace to humanity.
i feel bad for her kids….this old lady should lay off the rollin in doritos, and the nail…wtf
wtf is going on w her nails?
this will be katya in 2 years.