Anti Duckface. Stop making that duckface!
we’re sure y’all are having a more awesome night than we are (seriously, we’re bitchfighting over what to watch on netflix-on-demand and arguing about who’s sober enough to go buy more bacon), so tell us what you’re up to tonight. as long as its not duckface. but if it is, POST PICS SO WE CAN LAUGH AT YOU!!!

we’re sure y’all are having a more awesome night than we are (seriously, we’re bitchfighting over what to watch on netflix-on-demand and arguing about who’s sober enough to go buy more bacon), so tell us what you’re up to tonight.

as long as its not duckface. but if it is, POST PICS SO WE CAN LAUGH AT YOU!!!

(Source: sorrygirlsisuckdicks)

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you know that face you make when you're about to take that perfect picture of yourself for the internet?

you know, the pose where you push your mouth out in that sort of pout / kiss face to make it look like you've got big pouty lips, a super-defined jawline, and model-quality cheekbones?

it's called "duckface"





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